
What is the Metra COPS app?

It’s a two-way communication tool that allows Metra customers to quickly and discreetly send messages, photos or video to Metra Police.

How can I download the app? Is it free?

Yes, this is a free app and is available in the App Store or Google Play under Metra COPS.

What kinds of incidents should I report?

The app is meant for the reporting of safety and security issues on Metra trains and facilities, such as a crime in progress, disruptive or aggressive behavior, suspicious activity, unattended bag or package, vandalism panhandling, fare evasion or other concerns. Please do not use the app for customer service issues, service disruptions or travel information.

How quickly can I expect a response?

Notices submitted through the app will be monitored at all times.

Who will be responding to me?

Responses will come from the Metra Police Department.

What happens if I lose connectivity?

If you send a report in an area without cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity, the report will be stored and sent automatically as soon as you’re connected again. If you close the app before connectivity returns, the report will be sent the next time the app is opened.  If you are waiting for a response and nothing is happening, and if you are having an emergency, call the police app phone number or call 911.

Can I remain anonymous when sending a report?

Yes. There is an on/off toggle on the report page allowing you to remain anonymous.

Can I send in reports if I don’t have a smartphone?

Yes, there are 2 methods you can submit reports to Metra Police without the app:

  • Text A Tip - 312-313-9015
  • Web App - or click here.

What happens when I send in a report as “TEST—THIS IS ONLY A TEST?”

The purpose of this report type is for the customer to become familiar with the app without contacting Metra.

When should I use the “Call Metra Police” button?

When there is a crime in progress or an immediate threat of danger to you, other riders or the transit system.

Is the app accessible?

Yes. The app is accessible for visually impaired riders through iOS VoiceOver and Android Talkback features.