Metra permanently allows pets on all weekend trains

Publication Date
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Metra Board of Directors today voted to permanently allow small pets in carriers on all weekend trains after a successful pilot program, first on weekend Rock Island Line trains and then on weekend trains on all lines.

“Based on the success of our extended pilot program, we are pleased to now offer this option permanently to all of our customers,” said Metra Executive Director/CEO Don Orseno. “It’s in Metra’s best interest to offer programs like this that serve our customers and, for some, makes travel by train an even more attractive and convenient choice.”

Metra started looking into allowing pets on trains after it was presented with a petition. Metra staff then surveyed other mass transit agencies and found many of them have policies allowing small pets aboard their trains and buses. Metra also consulted with its Citizens Advisory Board and surveyed its customers before the initial three-month pilot program began July 4 on weekend Rock Island Line trains. The pilot program was extended to all Metra lines on Oct. 10.

During the extended pilot program, 60 riders took advantage of traveling with their pet and nearly all of them said it was a good experience, according to feedback received through an online survey. Customers who completed the survey overwhelmingly supported the program and said it should continue (236 out of 290 or 81 percent). In addition, 61 percent said having the ability to bring a small pet on the train would prompt them to ride weekend trains more often.

Metra’s rules are based on policies used by other agencies with successful programs:

  • Only small pets in enclosed protective carriers are allowed.
  • Carriers will not be allowed to take up seats, seating areas or obstruct pathways on trains or in stations and must be small enough to be carried on by a single person. They must fit in a passenger’s lap or under the seat at all times.
  • Metra reserves the right to remove passengers with pets that are noisy or disturb other customers.
  • Owners will be responsible for the behavior and cleanup of their pets.

Service animals are allowed on all Metra trains at all times.