Repairs to Waukegan Station set to start

Publication Date
Monday, June 29, 2015
Metra, Waukegan and Lake County officials gathered today to kick off a $530,000 project to rehabilitate the Waukegan Station on the Union Pacific North Line.
The project calls for replacing the existing roof, partially repairing and painting the ceiling, partially removing and replacing floor tiles, renovating two entrance vestibules, constructing a new ADA-accessible ramp, installing a bus shelter with solar panels, lights and concrete pad, replacing the existing fence with a taller, decorative fence and partially replacing masonry retaining walls. The work is expected to take about four months.
“This rehabilitation work will make the Waukegan Station a much more welcoming station for riders of our Union Pacific North Line,” said Metra Executive Director/CEO Don Orseno. “We are happy to be giving the people of Waukegan and Lake County the station facility that they deserve.”
Orseno was joined at the station today by Waukegan Mayor Wayne Motley, Lake County Board Chairman Aaron Lawlor and Metra Board Member Norman Carlson.
The contract for the work was awarded to Rasch Construction & Engineering of Kenosha, Wis., at the April meeting of the Metra Board of Directors. The work is being funded with $481,400 in Metra federal funds and $48,700 in City of Waukegan funds.